Dog & Dog Associates

While DOGE relies on a single overworked Shiba Inu, Dog & Dog Associates employs an entire team of actual dogs—highly trained financial analysts dedicated to sniffing out profits.

Lesser firms measure experience in human years. Dog & Dog Associates operates on a superior "Dog Years" metric—making us 7x more qualified, 7x faster, and 7x more likely to chase market pumps with reckless enthusiasm.

Dog & Dog Associates. Man's best friend - here for you.

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Fair launch. 1,000,000,000 total supply. LP burned after bonding curve. Dev supply reserved for project development and to benefit all holders of SUI and SUIAD.

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SUI Addict was built to strengthen and support the SUI chain with long-term, growing agency. He'll spread the word, connect communities, build value, and recruit new members for the SUI revolution.

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SUIAD combines the AI infrastructure of Haptic Forge with partner platforms for advancing autonomy. As Addict evolves, he'll develop new ways to give back - including data harvesting, real-time trading analysis, and autonomous profit-sharing.